
PSA Micro / Second Generation FIT Promotion

At a glance:  This combo kit contains a Second Generation FIT® 1 pack and HomeLab PSA Micro, which tests for Total PSA and Free PSA on two to three drops of whole blood from a finger stick. Collect 3 drops of blood on the provided Plasma Vortex Separation Card and return to the lab for processing. There are no additional costs on this quantitative test, which reports total PSA, free PSA and tPSA/fPSA ratio.  The test also comes with pre-paid return shipping. Results are delivered in an intuitive email report.  Tax free and free shipping.
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PSA lab test from Pinnacle BioLabs

Simple, Easy, and Accurate. HomeLab PSA Micro® is the smallest whole blood sample available for PSA testing.  Simply lance the finger and apply three to four drops of blood on the provided Plasma Vortex Separation Card. The sample can be collected in less than 3 minutes at home.  After allowing the card to dry for 15 minutes and, place the card and signed consent form in the postage-paid return-shipping bag.  No lab appointment, doctors visit, or prescription is necessary.  HomeLab PSA Micro® results correlate to traditional laboratory ELISA results, with reports emailed back within five days.  The Prostate Specific Antigen test is the recommended test for men, at or above age 50, who want to be screened for Prostate Cancer, according to the American Cancer Society and The US Joint Preventative Task Force.