August 09, 2021 3 min read

Today, at-home colon cancer screening kits provide a reliable, viable alternative to colonoscopy for many people. For anyone who wants to take control of monitoring potential health risks, these screening kits are simple and affordable. This is especially true for anyone who doesn’t have health insurance or whose health insurance plan will not cover potentially life-saving preventive testing and treatments.

If you are considering using an at-home colon test, you might be curious about the different types of tests being offered today. Before you spend any money, you naturally want to determine whether one type of colorectal home screening kit is better than any other.

Why At-Home Colon Cancer Tests Make Good Sense

Testing for early markers or potential colon cancer makes good sense. Even though colon cancer kills more than 50,000 people in the U.S. every year, it is one of the most treatable types of cancer if it is detected during the early stages.

Despite these factors, only about 50% of people follow the recommendations for screening. This happens for several reasons. Despite recommendations for having a baseline colonoscopy done at age 45, few health insurers will pay for the procedure until you turn 50. Even when their insurance does pay for colonoscopy, many people can’t afford to take an entire day off work for the procedure. Another reason that many people avoid having this important screening is the preparation required.

At-home screening kits are inexpensive. They don’t require taking time off work and no special prep is required in most cases. Although some are more challenging to use than others, at-home colon cancer screening kits are quick and simple to use. Some types even provide instant results.

When it comes to at-home colon tests, however, not all of them are created equal. So, which kits are best?

FIT Test vs. FIT-DNA Test vs. Second Generation FIT

It can be easy to become confused regarding the various types of at-home colorectal screening tests.

Although the fecal immunochemical test (FIT test) is one of the most popular types of colorectal diagnostic tests available today, you might also see FIT-DNA testing options. To further complicate the matter, Second Generation FIT tests are also available today.

These tests have many similarities, and it can be confusing to understand the pros and cons of each one. FIT testing screens for the presence of blood, which may indicate large polyps or early-stage cancer.

The FIT-DNA test screens for blood and specific DNA mutations that could indicate cancerous or precancerous cells. This test is more complex to use, more costly and requires sending a sample away for testing and results. It also requires pre-test dietary modifications.

Second generation FIT testing specifically screens for globlin, which is a type of proteins found in blood. This test is easy to use and requires NO pre-test dietary modifications. These tests are also highly sensitive, at 98% sensitivity and 96% specificity. This test returns immediate results without having to send away a sample.

Choosing the Best FIT Test for Home Colon Cancer Screening

Medical experts largely agree that the best colon cancer screening test is the one that gets done. Choosing the right FIT test for you is the best way to make sure you complete the test.

For ease of use, you can’t beat the Second Generation FIT Test, available from Pinnacle Biolabs. This is the world’s most advanced colon cancer detection test. It is extremely affordable – you can get a 2-pack FIT test for under $30 – and you get results instantly at home.

Shop our site today to learn more about why our affordable fecal immunochemical test has some of the highest levels of sensitivity and specificity available today.